Friday, November 7, 2008

Andersons........always something new and exciting! 2008 has brought many new things to this family. New job, new town, new schools, new friends, new ward, and so much more!! Less!!! More!!! Less!!! Which is it? The year isn't over yet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss the best friend I've ever had in a church ward, Carla! and I miss my home teacher, Craig! and I miss my favorite boyfriend, Michael!! Even tho he is a BIT young for me, I still love him! He is thoughtful and kind and loves his Aunt Rae!!! AND . . . I miss Mallory!! the Cutest blonde in any ward!!! she loves to laugh and I love her hugs!!! Who was in the video on the motorcyle?!! I couldn't see who it was!!!
Love you all so much, and certainly miss you. Carla, my life isn't the same without you!! Love, Rae Lehutsky, Roseville, CA